Guantanamo Bay, Cuba base

Last week I had the pleasure of performing for US troops stationed in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (GTMO). It was a six-day trip of non-stop performances, tours of the base, and meeting the people that dedicate their lives to protecting our freedom. Thank you to my sponsor Toshiba for making the trip possible. I met some amazing people and experienced “Gitmo” in a very memorable way.

While civilians are not allowed to photograph, let alone enter, many areas of the base, our convoy was able to tour a number of the facilities typically closed to civilians, including the Joint Task Force Detention Centers.

Below are a number of photos from the trip…
1. At Radio GTMO (their slogan is “Rockin’ in Fidel’s Backyard”!)
2. One of my performances on base.
3. Entertaining marines dining at the JTF Cafeteria.
4. Viewing the Cuban gate through the US gate.
5. Troops running drills.

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